Diligence, precision, documentation—these are critical success factors in the aviation industry. We insure a range of aircraft, aircraft parts manufacturers, MROs, and service providers who choose TFG Aviation because we deliver a tailored risk strategy, attractive terms with the right underwriters, and support from a seasoned team that aligns aviation insurance coverage with your business goals and financial resources.
Let’s Talk About TFG AviationAviation Professional Liability: You can be liable for an incident even though it did not result in bodily or property damage. This errors & omission coverage offers protection from wrongful/negligent acts that can result from engineering, consulting and operations.
MROs: Our team brings a detailed understanding of your aviation liability and how facilities maintain and repair aircraft parts. Whether it is airframes, avionics, engines, on-wing or off-wing, our team works with many Part 145 repair stations.
Engine Mechanical Breakdown: Whether your aircraft is certified Time Before Overhaul (TBO) or On Condition, engine overhauls will occur after so many cycles. Engine programs are expensive and require you to pay for services upfront that you may not ever use. TFG Aviation has designed a cash flow friendly protection for unscheduled catastrophic events.
Part 121 PMA and STC Operations: A thorough understanding of the design and manufacturing of the Part 121 operation is essential to securing the proper protection. TFG Aviation strives to understand the uniqueness of the engineering and final application of the product.
FBOs: We design and implement tailored aircraft insurance programs that address operations involved in maintenance and/or fueling. There are many exposures that can affect an FBO such as property, business interruption and pollution. TFG Aviation has a well-rounded team familiar with all these other risks.
Part 91/Part 135 Operators: With more than $2 billion of aircraft value insured through TFG Aviation, our team has extensive experience with operators who fly missions all over the world. Accurate documentation, responsiveness and appropriate aircraft insurance are our contribution to a successful mission.
Our team has provided clients with industry expertise, focus and high performing results. We are committed to delivering the best solution to fit your needs.