June 20, 2023

Are you playing a finite game or an infinite game?  

Purpose, Passion and Principles 

Do you have a mission in life that is consistent with your purpose?  

Do you have a strong principled alignment of your personal and professional life?  

I learned that before I figured out what I wanted to do, I needed to figure out WHO I wanted to be. I am striving to work towards being the best version of who I can become.  

Why has Ukraine, with the 35th ranked military force done such an incredible job defending against a much bigger, more powerful army? I think one reason is that Russian soldiers are playing the finite game where the Ukrainians are playing the infinite game; fighting for their lives to protect their country, freedom, family and destiny. They have a passionate purpose. 

It’s very hard to compete with someone driven with an intense desire that loves what they do and who they do it with. Are we trying to be the best or are we just going through the motions? 

I have found that if I can be the real me; being an infinite person, I will not only be more genuine, but I will succeed in an exponential manner.  

Infinite Versus Finite 

It is about not living life as a means to an end, living the role, not playing the role. Wouldn’t we be better off being the role?  

It can take a whole life to build a reputation and seconds to destroy one. I have found most people will accept you even if you are unique and they don’t agree with everything you do. However, I do believe that many people will listen if you are genuine, consistent and sincere—and a person that demonstrates high character, commitment and compassion. 

Unfortunately, I am not just a 9:00am – 5:00pm person, I am wired to be a 24/7 person. Those that play the infinite game instead of finite game are very hard to compete with and beat.  

I have seen my sister, mother and others who cook with passion and love, versus others who are just trying to put a quick meal on the table and check it off the list. Why not delegate the things you do not like, and perhaps are not good at, and spend more time on things you are good at and play to your strengths? I think these principles work in many aspects of life if you have high integrity, intensity and intelligence. 


If I reflect on my purpose, passion and principles (three P’s), I am striving towards being an infinite player. I am doing my best to align my life mission with my business goals. Understanding your principles like integrity, loyalty, intensity and achieving success can take you from finite to infinite.  

Life can be better when you are not going through the motions—going through the finite game but reaching the infinite game. Putting in just a little more effort has potential to make a much bigger impact, ultimately leading to better results.  

I find that if we are following our purpose, passion and principles and playing the infinite game, it will paint the picture of what significance, satisfaction and success looks like.  

Our mission is to help clients protect assets and enhance employee outcomes through the delivery of exceptional risk management and employee benefit consulting services and products.

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