June 15, 2020

5 Takeaways from Cleveland’s 2020 HR Summit

Over the last several months, we’ve become no stranger to virtual events, conferences and meetings. Last week, Cleveland’s 2020 HR Summit shifted to a web conference. The agenda was tailored around the current economic climate with a primary goal of learning the latest HR strategies and techniques.

In the half-day event, we gathered some common themes and takeaways that we found impactful and worth sharing. 

​1. “Be nimble, be ready.” Having a plan and developing processes are valuable practices. True success stories can often be established in moments when the process is broken, or the plan does not come together. How can you hold yourself or your team accountable for being effective despite things not going as hoped? These moments can set you apart and deliver enterprise achievement.

2. Communication Mindset. You spend a great deal of time communicating be it on the phone, via email, or even by rare in-person conversation. As HR professionals, providing thoughtful communications to the team is vital, but are you connecting with them in ways that are productive? Are you spending enough time planning: both the message and the method? How can you develop a cadence to your communications with colleagues to ensure the message is being delivered clearly and successfully?

3. Frequent Check-Ins. Your role as an HR professional makes you a resource for many of your colleagues, including many ways you might not have anticipated. While the events of the Employee Life Cycle are key talking points for all of us, our current circumstances have upended many of the workplace norms. The lack of structure in the workplace, the isolation of social distancing or the increased stress of taking on new roles at home are a heavy burden. As a leader and a friendly voice from the workplace, you can deliver incredible value by checking in with colleagues, bringing folks together and keeping your culture alive remotely. These efforts can drive engagement and collaboration across a successful enterprise!

4. Total Cost Approach. When it comes to benefits or expenses at the workplace, you often make decisions in silos regarding individual items and can often turn on the price of options available. The Total Cost of Care method that Dr. Wulf referenced envisions a holistic approach to medicine. This style is practiced similarly in your HR roles. While cost cannot be ignored, how can you make decisions, deliver value and align resources for the benefit of your employees?

5. Forward Strategy. While the current global pandemic response certainly gets a great a deal of attention today, you need resources to help navigate these unchartered waters. You also need resources that are equipped to deliver valuable service as you prepare for the future. How can you align your enterprise with service-oriented partners to deliver the requirements your employees need, today and tomorrow?

So what’s next? It’s important to keep these considerations in mind as you evaluate your current situation and develop future plans.

Want to discuss further? We would be happy to connect.

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